I'm sure the majority of you reading this have heard about dry brushing. But do you do it?
In case you haven't heard of it, dry brushing is pretty much what it sounds like. You use a dry bath brush and rub it on your dry skin, starting from your limbs in circular motions towards your heart.
A side note about the brush itself.
This is the brush that I have - it has a detachable handle, so you can reach your back yet, at the same time have good control when dry brushing your legs and arms. I got mine at Walgreens, I believe it was under $10.00. Always, be sure to get a natural haired brush - it will more than likely be made from thins like coconut fiber and things of that nature. Make sure you regularly clean your brush as you are using it on your body. Do not dry brush over cuts, abrasions or cystic acne.
What the heck is the point in all that, you say? Let me tell you some of the amazing benefits of dry brushing. I'm sure if we all think back to science class we were taught that the skin is the largest organ on the body. You have to take care of your skin just as you would your heart.
Exfoliation: You are literally removing oodles and boodles of dead skin cells when you do this. This is especially important for people who feel like they have dull or lackluster skin. This will literally bring forward your new, bright skin.
Circulation: As you are dry brushing towards your heart it increases blood flow. When you are dry brushing you hit the connective tissue that is attached to the capillaries under the skin. A lot of people report feeling more energized after dry brushing - for this reason it is recommended to dry brush in the morning before a shower.
Cellulite: Yes, that is right, dry brushing helps fight cellulite according to research. As you are brushing the skin the dry brush helps to break up fatty deposits therefore sending them into the bloodstream to be removed.
Lymphatic Drainage: To discuss this aspect I will quickly explain what 'lymph' is. Lymph by Dictionary.com is 'a clear yellowish, slightly alkaline, coagulable fluid, containing white blood cells in a liquid resembling blood plasma, that is derived from the tissues of the body and conveyed to the bloodstream by the lymphatic vessels.' It basically carries our bodies metabolic waste. It is beneficial for your lymph nodes to be drained of this stuff. Just like with the circulation and the breaking down of the fatty tissue, the dry brushing increases the blood flow which stimulates lymphatic drainage. It is basically a detox for your skin.
A note about dry brushing, and lymphatic drainage - never do either of these is you have cancer or are undergoing treatment for cancer as this can spread the cancerous cells.
All of that being said make sure you follow up your dry brushing with a shower and a great moisturizer.
There are tons of great articles on dry brushing, definitely read up some more if you are considering dry brushing!
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