Perricone MD Chloro Plasma Mask Review

I have wanted to do this review for a while but wanted to keep testing out the mask before I gave a full review. 
Perricone is a name that is starting to make more waves in the skincare world. The man behind the movement is Dr. Nicholas Perricone, he is a Dermatologist, an author, and he is on the frontlines of anti-aging research. He also has a background in Nutrition which ties in hand in hand with skincare. If you want to learn a little bit more about him check out The Doctor here. 

I want to be very clear that this is an anti aging mask however, it helps with a multitude of issues, including detoxifying and enlarged pores. I have very large pores on my face, so I am working on getting that under control.

 Here is the mask applied. Scary I know :)

So in the container the mask is a light green color. There are micro capsules in the mask that when you rub them they burst and turn a dark green color.

 As you can see here the mask is a light green color, you can spread it out without bursting to capsules so be aware of what you are doing when applying the mask.

Once the capsules are burst it turns this darker green color. 

To use you lather the mask on clean dry skin and it when it starts to dry it will get lighter. 
You are supposed to leave it on for 3-5 minutes and wash off with warm water.

Overall I am very happy with the mask, my pores look smaller as soon as I remove the mask. Of course it's something you are supposed to use twice a week and it will work over time. 

This is a very pricey mask. The .4 oz size is $20.00, and the regular 2 oz. size is $75.00. I have gotten several uses out of the .4 oz size and I think I will get several more. 

What is your favorite mask?


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